Process of Better Hearing

Audiology TalkThe best word I could use for hearing aids is “process.”  Hearing aids, even the very best with the fanciest ads, require follow-ups and time to be successful with in most cases. The reason for this is that our hearing and our brain share an important link.  Our brain is like a muscle.  If our brain is not being engaged with the frequencies where hearing loss exists (Average American waits 7 years), it takes time to build up the strength again!  Would we expect an arm in a cast for years to immediately regain its strength? In the same way, our brains are remarkable at adapting but need time and gradual coaching.

The fitting of any hearing aid is a process. Additionally, this process varies for everyone as everyone has a different hearing loss and different length of time they’ve had a hearing loss. As such, follow-up visits with any hearing aid fitting are essential.  Going back the analogy of our brain to a muscle, if my goal is to bench 150 lbs., I wouldn’t start at 150 lbs. I would start at a manageable weight and work up to my goal. The same applies with hearing aids. We start a level manageable to the patient and then work up to our goal. Consistent “working-out” of the brain through consistent use is the key! When you shortcut this process, it is easy to get discouraged and even quit.

At Audiology Associates, the heart of our practice is this process. Follow-up appointments and professional evaluation are key to success with any hearing aid.  When you shortcut the process (or avoid it altogether!) it easy to get discouraged or give up. But like most things in life, the important things take time but are worth it in the end.  Better hearing with hearing aids is rarely a quick fix but a process. However with proper motivation and expectations, the process is worth the journey – for your brain and for your loved ones!

“Ears” to the process of better hearing.

Dr. Al Helbig